BREAKING NEWS!!! Garden Variety Wisdom CD Greeting Cards FOR SALE ONLINE... An Oscar Winning Performance...
...A Tony...for best lyrics ...A Grammy...for best delivery by a new artist ...A Pulitzer...for most original prose ...A Clio...for outstanding brand design ...A Nobel...for universal appeal ...An Emmy...for family friendly entertainment ...An Obie...for best shameless promotion
GVW CD Greeting Cards are sweeping the nation ...taking the world by storm... ...selling off the charts... ...topping the bestseller list... ...number one in the polls...
What are you waiting for? ...be the first on your block... ...you can't resist... No excuses left for you...it's so simple even I can do it! Press the BUY NOW button and SHOP! SHOP! SHOP! GVW CD Greetings are not just cards you send through the mail with a single stamp. GVW CD Greetings come with a matching accessory...an empty CD...load your pics, movies or music...tuck in your smile, sign your name ...then Be Creative. A GVW CD Greeting is MORE than a card...it is a GIFT ...tuck it into a basket of goodies, give them to the parents of your Pre-School class for a holiday treat, sneak a few into a suitcase as you pack off your kids to college or a new location. Think...wedding favors, retirement party memoirs, or baby shower extras. Coping cards. Remember me cards. Thinking of you and me cards. I know...YOU KNOW...someone you love...or like...or think about...or miss...or don't see often enough... GVW CD Greetings ...only a "click" away. Try it. Go Here. Click on a card. Then click on the BUY NOW button. Considering all the amazing awards, I thought I should write a humble acceptance speech. Here goes. Thank you. I deserved it. I did it all by myself. No one helped. Nobody. Nada. Zip. Zero.
I lied.
Here's to my Go-TO-Guys To: Aaron, Eric and Chris at for their creative care in card and web design To: Scott, Todd and Will at for producing such gorgeous cards with such loving hands and for setting up the e-commerce site.
And finally to Mike at for believing in me for making this website a dream come true... and for Outstanding Customer Service... Even for a Late Bloomer and a Yard Yeti like me!