Out Of Fashion
What's In and What's Out
According to some of the most esteemed fashion editorials, 99.4567%
of the items on the IN list reside in boxes stored in my basement.
Fossilized white sunglasses, shag carpet squares, lava lights, bell
bottom jeans, acrylic polo shirts in shades of pumpkin orange and
chocolate brown, Chuck Taylor sneakers, and crocheted shoulder bags.
Where does one go to buy my mildewing merchandise? VINTAGE STORES!
Ladies and gentlemen, I have achieved the status to which I aspire.
VINTAGE...like fine wine, subtle, gentled, enriched over time. Choice.
Classic. In the spirit of a good fashionista, I race downstairs to play
Vintage Dress Up.
Mold. I smell mold.
Bell bottoms...my bell bottoms and my bottom-without-borders no
longer relate. Something has definitely shifted. Acrylic shirts lie
hip-notized, not a wrinkle, not a single unraveled thread. Doomed to an
eternity in a landfill. Except acrylic, unlike cotton, does not BREATHE.
This is not a good thing for a woman's body prone to spontaneous
I'll need a flame retardant.
VINTAGE. I looked it up, also means past prime, passe´, wrinkled.
OLD! So here I stand, a study in oversized sunglasses and undersized
A Vintage Icon.
Sad. Then I fast forward to the future awaiting the recently tattooed
and multiple pierced and pick up my chin with a grin. 2011 is a good
year to be IN, a great year to be OLDer and a fantastic opportunity to
ripen further.
I dedicated my first garden page to my mother. Somehow it seems fitting to share it with you now:
White Sunglasses
n the waning years of my mother's life, her outfit of choice:
white shorts, white sunglasses, black hose and high heels. I relate this
gentle memory to remind me of my roots, and to make my children
I packed away the shoes and pants and lamps.
I am wearing the white sunglasses.
I am IN...in the garden
...where as we gardeners know...