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Monday, January 6, 2020

What Would You Do With A Chance?

What Would You Do With A Chance ?

One of the sweetest moments of this year’s Christmas festivities…reading the above titled book by Kobi Yamada…to our oldest grandson. No, not that moment at the beginning, nor the moment as we closed the pages on the book. The moment I will hold in my heart forever is when I repeated the question to him…What could YOU do with a chance…to which he replied…

I could change the world. 

I have always loved the holiday season. I treasure the memories of Christmas Eve in our church sandwiched between my mother and father. It was a night without a sermon, highlighted in the words of beloved Christmas music. Voices raised in song without the need of hymnals, all the words drifting in from memory. 

I was a kid. 

Christmas was for dreaming big dreams.
 Making grand wishes. Hours of imagination and wonder.

Then I grew up and put away childish things. 

I still loved the idea of Christmas, but never imagined I would ever know the season with such wide eyed innocence again. 

Till our two boys entered our lives. 

Then we welcomed our first grandchild. 
A gift. 

Our second grandchild entered our lives. 
A present.

A third grandchild joined us.
A joy.

Finally, our fourth grandchild arrived.
A miracle.

After all the hustle and bustle, the wrapping and unwrapping, the bows scattered across the floor, the tissue paper piled high, and the utter exhaustion of trying to do too much in too little time, holding on too tight not wanting to wave good bye…

You have no idea..
How much we need you…
You little ones…

The innocents who remind me that Christmas is a time of miracles.

A time for young and old to take a chance…
And perhaps…

To change the world. 

So to all of you dear friends, I send you this wish that in this New Year,
 you may be blessed with the joy and wonder of a child…

For knowing you in my lifetime…

Whether Near or Far…

You have changed MY world.

Miss you. See you in the Garden Soon!!!

Adirondack Chairs